> "Evil, pain and suffering, that is all the truth brought me."
while it sound edgy as hell, I personally can detect that this comes because of the social media dissentious thoughts from us. We don´t like the mainstream mentality, so they think we are insane for not following the same things they do, so we become the crazy ones for standing up as an unpopular minority nobody has heard about.
> "Some questions aren't meant to be asked."
> "Deep questions especially!"
deep questions that are actually private. On the internet, you cannot go so innocently as you would do with others because who knows who will stalk you in the future. There will be a lot of accounts and more info about others but what matters it´s your own safety. While it sounds dim, it´s at its core, a well thought strategy for preventing irreversible consequences.
I will say that any outsider wouldn´t get interpret this fic as I do because despite the edgy words faced in the surface, when you dig a little bit deeper, you get a social commentary. It´s like an inside fic, dedicated for the /end/ itself and not to be understood by any other who doesn´t get why we post like this.
Congratulations for taking a meaningless message that breaks the rules(spam) and drive it into a meta zone that encourages some thoughts about what the /end/ is actually about.
I don´t like ratings but while your Cadence fic pioneered this trend and make it greater, you show the results and how you can make an envelope green for such little things, fitting into your territory that fast out of nowhere.
Not sure if it´s healthy to consider this as your standard and hold the comforts of darkness, but you sure seem to get comfortable at writing this content. You work as if darkness takes like a 65% of it, 20% of ambience and 15% dedicated to core questions that are not meant to be dark but asking the root of your own ideas. Probably you feared yourself at first back in Febraury because you thought you would go like 100% a la Shadow the Hedgehog mode but what I find doesn´t come close to that style.