> health issues,aren´t they? Everything ends, even the problematic stuff. Take care with it.
Actually this was a reference to building a smallish fence and having to fix a leaky roof on a shed. Medical stuff going on, but it fortunately it looks to be setting down to normal routine, though their is some stuff commig up I ma need to help, but it's nothing that is super serious from a life threating standpoint.Thanks anyway. Everything /ends/ and I pass on the same advise to you in regards to your numerous studies.
> Though I may not be criticizing as much as you would do with my fics, I must say that you are pretty much nailing it with the descriptions and little events here and there
Thanks. Though I have no idea on how the final products quality will be seen. I do not have a grand vision but I have a idea of a path or 2 and themes so will see where it goes.
> Even if it´s 5 AM and you feel the desire,there are times when someone doesn´t find himself comfortable, writes it and then, finishing it and then, resting with a personal satisfaction....
Actually 3AM for me usually as well though I can be up at 5 and 7am, Sometimes something is just on your mind and you just have ta express it.