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>>/2011/ > this was a reference to building a smallish fence and having to fix a leaky roof on a shed. > it's nothing that is super serious from a life threating standpoint. alright alright, you took some measurements to prevent it and it seems that everything is alright in the end. > Everything /ends/ and I pass on the same advise to you in regards to your numerous studies. yeah, thanks. They are mostly over fortunately. Last week was more complicated than this one because it had the subjects I had focused on the most and I still don´t know the results. I am finishing them in a couple of days but I have felt stronger in other subjects than the one left, so I am not as worried. The only way I have found in order to pass is by focusing on a few that you know well and then, face the leftovers after. If you focus on 4 or 5, you will get for sure rekt and slapped in the face everywhere. I say this by experience and the first year ended up with half of my first course, lots of failures in the middle of the road and I hadn´t had that situation before. Now, I am taking everything with more patience and organize my efforts strategically. It sucks and it requires sacrifice for the subjects left, but you are guaranteed and work hard for the panned ones. That´s how the things work. I admire those who can pass each course with each year. I am not that special so this goes at a slower pace. > I have no idea on how the final products quality will be seen. I do not have a grand vision but I have a idea of a path or 2 and themes so will see where it goes. part of the charm is finding it out along the way. Sometimes the spontaneous details give it a different vibe and define way more than you would have expected. Like the marks of my exams, you don´t know the results until you see them written. > I can be up at 5 and 7am, >Sometimes something is just on your mind and you just have ta express it. ouch, well, that confirms my assumption. And I know that feel. When you have to write it because your body asks so, some emotions get revealed and you discover a part of yourself during that moment. But that´s just personal and works differently for each case.