> Do you honestly think something involing cadence and nickeback would be better then what you put down?
Not much better though. For starters, I think that get came around the 300 or 400 post, this was very different at the time and we didn´t have any pattern, so basically any shitposting was unironically welcome in order to fill the board....and it still applies today
Secondly, to anyone´s surprise, Nickelback, is not that bad, why? Because they have found an audience, even if it´s for being annoying, they have dedicated time to sell out, get popular,still get mentioned after their hype and do their own stuff. This is like saying Britney Spears had some merits (she did, just that Max Martin composed all her songs. Check out that composer because he´s a genius machine for creating perfect pop commercial songs. From It´s My Life (Bon Jovi) to all the boy bands discographies (Backstreet Boys, Disney Channel teens, current pop artists..). So, everything has a merit even if we don´t like it.
And third, it´s Cadence. Hi Anon came before and the memes around her have kept her popularity around.
The Burdened is banned from /mlp/, so it had to be recycled somewhere else. The /end/ is going through a lackluster phase after the loss of /sp/, so what could possibly go wrong if we throw the house out of the window by trusting on the one who carries the sins?
> I almost like drunken negative Celestia anyway!
she´d better not stay drunk along with her sister. Who knows what could happen during that night?