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>>/2022/ >>/2023/ >>/2024/ >>/2025/ >>/2026/ >>/2027/ >>/2028/ >>/2029/ >>/2030/ >>/2031/ This is a nice celebratory... green? Perhaps after this will start calling'em rainbows! I think for as simple as it is it carries an emotional weight. What I took from it is that mlp is a happy escape. Not in the way of something to get lost in being a basement dweller, but something that has brought unexpected joy and meaning. Cause even the most mid tier average person involved with this fandom... even when they left,often walked away with something, such as the start of creative pursuits from maany who started out artistically uninclined. I know for me personally I probably would be a different person if I hadn't stumbled upon this seemingly simple show. There are pursuits and things that I got into that I probably woud've never let myself eve conceive if it wasn't for this show, or at the least being a reduced form. Heck, this applies for even /endpone/ to a degree, considering me making greens and other much more mixed attempts at OC. /endpone/ for how small it is, two regulars and the occasional shitposter or visitor from 8/pone/ or /mlp/, feels special. It feels like a bit of that same little spark that started the fandom itself happened here. It's not as drastic of course but it's still there. I look around at boards that even have a dozens of regulars or so that would be envious of the amount of OC that we have made, there is something special with that. There is something special with the fact that two posters originally 3 just so happened to be at the right place and the right time to make this last. Mellow enough not to pressure constant posting then burnout and willing to let things be extremely laid back so we can experiment. I remember being weary of bringing up some topics because I figured that you and that other anon would probably be somewhat /pol/ tier given the nature of this website outside of /sp/. That was anything I really cared about, as on many chans that was par for the course, but I do wonder if just one ingredient like that had been changed would we still be posting here now? If you had outed me as a cuckservative or kike. If I had been more standard attitude on controversial issues. I could tell you were not wanting to offend me on gun control for example. So many would've pummeled you for even hinting at the slightest skepticism of gun rights, that coud've been an /end/ right there. But it wasn't. We survived conditions that even /sp/ couldn't tolerate. And I think that is further proof that this place is special. This party is far from over. Long live /endpone/!