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>>/2035/ > I think for as simple as it is it carries an emotional weight. What I took from it is that mlp is a happy escape > something that has brought unexpected joy and meaning. Cause even the most mid tier average person involved with this fandom... even when they left,often walked away with something, such as the start of creative pursuits from maany who started out artistically uninclined. it possesses an emotional weight because I have spent more time on this franchise (and board) than any bet could have predicted back in 2014. It´s a humble way to admit that something childish has to exist to remind that we are in reality, grown up children. One admires fantasy in order to escape the tense events. Not living in a bubble either but finding another way to focus about it less than any healthy human would admit. But yeah, it follows the trend early fans had back then. > I probably would be a different person if I hadn't stumbled upon this seemingly simple show. There are pursuits and things that I got into that I probably woud've never let myself eve conceive if it wasn't for this show, or at the least being a reduced form. I, back in 2014, acted like an idiot before I watched MLP, like a child crying for his candy. It´s funny because we are two cases in which we prove that MLP impacts in real life to a certain degree. I cringe more about my past before being a fan than the last two years in this fandom. This series, despite its apparent innocence, as the season pass by, you watch episodes with more real life consequences and speaks more to a different audience than the one intended. Call me crazy but I believe MLP, while charming and overly, makes you lose your own innocence as time goes on compared to mature series that grow stale fast and become too fantastic to stay cool for the general audience. > Heck, this applies for even /endpone/ to a degree, considering me making greens and other much more mixed attempts at OC. Content creators are highly appreciated at anytime and that´s not going to change. Considering that I am not a drawer, I find myself impressed to make a secondary decision and deliver a model to follow, inspiring you to jump onto the zone, despite not being a writer save for a couple of green I forced myself to make instead of just bumping a thread I had interest. Seriously, watch my Derpi profile and you will see that my first contribution to the fandom was a failure, too much for me to keep on trying or bother.