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>>/2035/ > two regulars and the occasional shitposter or visitor from 8/pone/ or /mlp/, feels special if it feels special, then something that we have done around here followed the right direction. It feels special because the final objective was to spot us and integrate ourselves into the endchan map by entering into the first page with 300 posts. We could have left it at there yet everything has a tomorrow. > It feels like a bit of that same little spark that started the fandom itself happened here. It's not as drastic of course but it's still there. That´s ironic because you applying this to a fan who hasn´t looked for old fan content save images. Nor brony music,nor Iwas there when old memes were created nor I was there for the biggest events. The biggest one I have witnessed with my own eyes is the 5th anniversary of MLP, with the CMC reaching their objective. It feels odd to feel like /co/ or the season 1 fandom. Although I had a plan to bring some fun for those who have joined late, turning their decision into something they wouldn´t regret for joining late. This is why the party goes on, the right to enjoy it at anytime with a few fans out there. Sounds amazing in theory, yet it has to be proven every day. > I look around at boards that even have a dozens of regulars or so that would be envious of the amount of OC that we have made, there is something special with that. I have not personally checked other boards in terms of content. Thousand of posts would contain some kind of content but here, you apply the quality>quantity because these posts are dedicated, have some random inspirations that pay off. I cannot personally compare the quality but I can say that we are beating /a/ at this point. > There is something special with the fact that two posters originally 3 just so happened to be at the right place and the right time to make this last. All because of our own will. You have an abandoned place to mess it up and do whatever you desire. Posting my favorite Derpi images whenever I wanted yet a reaction image came and the dynamic changed. Was all of this a Christmas gift? Two shitposters in theory shouldn´t do theory. > Mellow enough not to pressure constant posting then burnout and willing to let things be extremely laid back so we can experiment. Because we don´t make a living out of it. I cannot demand someone to post constantly if he doesn´t want nor he is not able to. If that happened, you would have accused me for not being active as well during the exams periods. That´s just pure lack of empathy that could have a disastrous boomerang effect. In fact, when we reached the 1000 posts, we had done more than enough back then and I became (because of your petitions) less obsessed with the numbers. I still take that chill philosophy. We have reached 2k without thinking about it. We could criticize us harshly as well but instead, I prefer asking why one would pick X idea and how one should apply it for its own vision and creation. Saying that it´s shit is not constructive and I could type that in 5 seconds effortlessly yet I take more minutes than expected for giving a different take on it. Hence I say I have a hard time building up a fair review most of the time.