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And now, last time I am tripposting for this rainbow text. My own thoughts: The reason why I made this is because Spiritualized released an album And Nothing Hurt last week and it was for the first time ever, I enjoyed a record from Jason front to back. I had listened to Ladies and Gentlemen last autumn but I didn´t see anything special on it despite giving it a couple of listens. After learning that he has proved to have talent, I went back to his golden record, especially this song (memed on /mu/ by the way). Like the bat thread, I have modified the lyrics in order to fit them into some pony context but this time, it offers a new feature: the multilayered text; expressing different voices at the same time. I daydreamed about entering Equestria and feeling welcome for enjoying such beloved destiny. The catch is that despite its dreamy ambient, the correlation of putting the students along with the mane 6 because of School Daze, building it up to heavenly tone with the princesses (text in blue) by paying homage to You´ll Play Your Part and going to space with Trixie´s rocket; the context behind doesn´t bring such optimistic vibes. The greent text is from the talking voices mentioned in it. Each creature complains about that anon (only faggots rush in for jumping into hateable first impressions about their introduction) because at some point, that anon came for ponies at first, yet they do love him in the end for giving them a chance and deliver what they can do. The yellow text just mentions the place we are dealing with and no matter where we are, the message prevails because we have learned from the same protagonists the same values we all know and are familiar with. The pink text doesn´t come in this version of 2009. That verse comes from the original until they accepted the homage to Presley in the black edition. I still wrote it because its short term impact and meta message to the protagonist reveals that nobody knows what could come next for all of us. The black text represents, surprise, the fan. A fan who got tired of his life and decided to consume pony content on mobile for the most part. All the lines express his love for having a model version of his ideal waifu from the mane cast. That´s the first reason he looks for and pursues for his visual pleasure. The objective behind this celebration is to remind myself that I am alive, like a personal reward that I feel like talking to myself at certain times. So many things could have gone wrong, bringing a realistic yet slightly pessimistic view about the world IRL, lacking on illusions and feeling devastated for losing my own innocence more frequently than the previous years. The fact that I can find joy after such slaps in the face about how the system works means that I can actually live with that loss. How do I bring back that illusion? I do not know but listening to those voices so angelically, makes me feel forgiven after all. I lost my innocence but at least, there are reasons to look forward to and even look up in the most hidden places...