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> I had listened to Ladies and Gentlemen last autumn but I didnĀ“t see anything special on it despite giving it a couple of listens. After learning that he has proved to have talent, I went back to his golden record, especially this song

I have had this happen. Suddenly  a song that I've heard on the radio for years will just "cick" with me. Or a band I never was I find one song I like and gain an appreciation or others that I didn't regard.

> lacking on illusions and feeling devastated for losing my own innocence more frequently than the previous years.

Losses of innocence more often? I tend to think of a loss of innocence usually as one event or something that is described as slowly eroding over time, so this is a interesting phrasing. I know that too could mean several things. For me what I've always considered to be mine is the rise of race politics and the massive mistrust of most people that I acquired during events in my teenage year's. Not trying to pry, I was just found how you worded that to be different to what I'm used to hearing 

> I do not know but listening to those voices so angelically, makes me feel forgiven after all. 

You may have been a shitty person when you where younger, but is there anything that is above the level then just being a stupid teenager? Then again, who am I to say. I don't even know the context. But I will say this: I have seen a person who was  an absolute amoral idiot for his teenage and even in his young adult years, who actually regretted his choices and did a complete 180 and came out aright. If he can find peace and redemption you certainly have a shot.  

> I lost my innocence but at least, there are reasons to look forward to and even look up in the most hidden places...

You may not be able to regain your innocence, but you certainly can regain peace. One of the reasons that I have such a predisposition  or thought I had anyway  to crazed random insanity was the fact that, as I have mentioned before, shutdown all but the most critical functions. I stopped caring about who I was and became entirely devoted to getting goals done and my happiness died with it. I could have been a serious overstressed person if I fully followed that path, but now I could write stupid stories about Twilight growing 32 eyes and each one of those eyes having a personality based on a different food and just laugh at the inanity of it.