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>>/2043/ > You may have been a shitty person when you where younger, but is there anything that is above the level then just being a stupid teenager? Not stupid. I just described the day before I watched FiM and that pride would appear just to seem cool in front of my parents. However, while not stupid nor having committed bad actions from my part, I have witness and met with people who got into some questionable actions. They were teenagers and even more childish than me. I just followed them but didn´t decide any action nor taken part whenever things get into those zones one shouldn´t enter. I just met them for forcing myself to go out, despite having extra activities, because my family wanted me to get out of the house. I did it for compromise at times and they didn´t notice that they did a few questionable actions behind but whenever I was with them, I didn´t take part in their acts. Just watching or leaving whenever I felt like I had spent enough time out. Yes, it means that I could be described as a social outcast because of video games or fantastical stuff that I understood just for myself. I was like an autist who made inside jokes and even roleplayed to myself. If I talked or even made jokes to any outsider, nobody would understand me so my mouth would mostly stay shut or be the laughing stock for trying to integrate myself for being cool. My personality differed a lot because I grew up surrounded by adults. I have lived in a bubble but I had never left my feet from Earth. Those "temporal colleagues" mostly disappeared from my life in 2012-13 and from 2012, when I grew my interest for music (despite playing the guitar in 2009) and picking my bicycle over them for spending my time out, I felt better and after that, I got to know with a couple of people that I still interact closely, so they hold the highest value from me and I feel comfortable these days. But when I picked my bike, I had enough confidence to say that it´s better to live as a loner wolf than living with a bad company. I cannot interact nor get the childish mentality during my routine, it´s just so out of place for my brain and set up that mode. Adults have always understood me. From 2012, I have found my own identity slowly and without any rush. I am the only MLP fan around here, but like I hid video games in my childhood, I can keep it secretly and subtly irl. > I don't even know the context. But I will say this: I have seen a person who was an absolute amoral idiot for his teenage and even in his young adult years, who actually regretted his choices and did a complete 180 and came out aright. If he can find peace and redemption you certainly have a shot. those colleagues who I met during my teenage years were all idiots and one was deported to his country for good reasons (drug market and no papers). I tried to make an Amending Fences in summer 2016,with a friend I was close for 3 years when I was 9-12 years old. Yet, he is an automaton. Has no political opinion, cannot argument, does the things because others told so without hesitation, simple emotions (I like this, this is shit and so on), no musical taste whatsoever (he had his sister´s music on the car)... I just got bored of him after 2 hours, I had seen enough. I didn´t want a person who has money but a person who I find interesting to interact with. A big disappointment. It doesn´t mean we are enemies, far from it, but I feel like wasting my time trying to find him a soul and a proper personality instead of a materialistic bot. I consider him as another contact, that´s it.