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>>/2044/ > I actually don't remember you ever liking your derpibooru profile here. and I don´t need it because it´s literally the same pseudonym as posted on here.It does have much less value than the greens/edits posted on here. It has a lot of upvotes and favorites for supporting the content I want to have in the future. I make some exceptions and I downvote, not too often because I mostly ignore it. > a fair deal of boards that I have seen that have a fair bit of regulars but don' have much OC only discussion and complaints about OC. Than again I tend to roam a lot all over the net to a lot of alt chans. an avid lurker detected. They could only focus on temporal discussion and jump onto the newest content that doesn´t come out from them. One of the biggest traditions from this fandom is that the content generated between fans gets relevant even if it´s in small circles. Both official, secondary and fan content get their treatment and deliver fresh entertainment for fans who are around. > I´d say the time you entered the fandom was nicer in some ways. The fandom was more defined. Drama wasn't treated as an existential threat and we still produce more OC than many fandoms that are being actively memed. I can imagine that for example for the Derpigate. The event was huge and felt like a victory. Nevertheless, I have heard that the following two weeks, everyone slashed to each other because of that and having mixed opinions for breaking their headcanons and such. I personally don´t get mad because my headcanon gets proven wrong for example in the divorce story, although I had predicted the touristic part before episode 15 aired. I even went for new speculations from the newer creations and twist them for old stories (Luna´s redemption by using the bats, Daybreaker and their season 7 personalities). Yes, you are right that everything is more defined, so it becomes less tense. I remember that my entrance and first months on /mlp/ felt somewhat uncomfortable because it felt a bit hostile for my taste. In 2015, I got used and in 2016, season 6 started the small community feel again, so mostly everything got calmer. The biggest example, the two royal fan clubs supported at each other and stopped being elitist to each other. They have reached image limit today by supporting each other. Coincidentally, when SJW left this, the content slowed down but the chill mentality grew as well. I admit that getting on it earlier....well, it´s better to have taken the path one took back then and not to think too much about it. And yes,two shitposters creating more OC than probably a few tens of anons is worth for giving ourselves a personal medal for holding the spirit with much less noise and people around.