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>>/2044/ > the way it is now it's often, especially to any site that has a /pol/ board my default assumption is yes until confirmed otherwise. it´s mostly reduced to us the rebels vs the systemic companies. As if 4chan was a deep web site but I think that´s their mentality to keep the edge around it. They have infested boards like /mu/, anime in general and video games(although I understand the latter because there billions of dollars behind the industry right now) and basically anything related to major media. /mlp/ however, was the least affected mostly because there were conservatives and a part of the board lurked /pol/ often, so the conquest was already made before doing anything. > he still was the one that first replied to you and hit the 300 mark, I only cam shortly after on new years. I will still remember that anon for being part of the first spark, more so then I was. yeah,he was probably an 8chan user who checked the board over here and encouraged us to go on. We may not know about him anymore, but those few posts kept my interest to go on a bit further than expected. > Conservatives tend to fight anyway over just leaving, but I have seen conservatives be ofended and break off contact. I still wonder if something like that could've have messed things up. nah don´t worry. I am too used to seeing idiots all the time. I would have given less fucks if I didn´t see good arguments and just use ad hominems and other fallacies to prove the opponent wrong. Again, it´s not that the view against you has a wrong purpose, but the reasons behind to back it up and defend them reasonably. What could have changed? Probably sharing less private information so confidently. I would have said it more subtly at some point or in lesser quantities, but offended? Nope. If you used cheap arguments, then I would be somewhat disappointed. I am one of those who cares more about the columns inside than the front cover whenever I enter and get immersed into the topic. The main objective was the same anyway and it was accomplished before that happened. About the conservatives, it´s a general pattern. There are always big exceptions, what I have described is the usual tendencies: socialist use more the emotions and conservatives use logic above emotions. Just that one uses them in different percentages and they may differ despite the theoretical ideology. That doesn´t prevent from one acting like a child or idiot. The personality counts for politics...a lot by they way. > with banners especially made for here,it makes an anon stop and ask: "this place had someone actually bother to make banners for here?" It helps maintain an identity. Though I do not know when m adventures in fences and roofs will be over, I shoud probably have at least something in the semi-near-term at least. well,everything ends and arrives. If we have survived without them, we could perfectly not give a fuck. You have time for making sure they are worthy to be there without any rush. My main worry was the image destruction. The rest comes by itself.