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>>/2048/ > The thing is that I take the serious path because I have found it the most effective or a tense comfort zone so far. If you knew how my jokes were in my teenage years, you would cringe badly. I get a laugh from random things that no one understands. What has changed is sharing that same joke.I have grown some sort of comedy and sarcastic forms, just that it depends how the occasion fits for that mode of laughing at ourselves. It´s somewhat situational and most of my laughs come the moment I expect the least or when something makes no sense but it clicks and one stops caring about everything else. A lot of my laughs, as I just stated, make no sense as well. Perhaps we could get some of our humor. > If you felt like choosing that alternative path, it must have had a good reason your body chose during those moments and I perfectly get it. Yours too. Seriousness does not equal sadness and if it is mixed with calm it can be a powerful weapon in this age of either complete sanitized happy 24/7 or hyperbolic shrillig over everything. >>/2049/ > an avid lurker detected. They could only focus on temporal discussion and jump onto the newest content that doesn´t come out from them. One of the biggest traditions from this fandom is that the content generated between fans gets relevant even if it´s in small circles. Both official, secondary and fan content get their treatment and deliver fresh entertainment for fans who are around. We have a much higher percentage of participation to consumption then most fandoms, if not all large ones. Everything is used and we have a mentality from the eariier days to run with eve one off lines, so yeah, plenty to work with now. > Yes, you are right that everything is more defined, so it becomes less tense. I remember that my entrance and first months on /mlp/ felt somewhat uncomfortable because it felt a bit hostile for my taste. In 2015, I got used and in 2016, season 6 started the small community feel again, Get this. /mlp/ I've always felt a little mixed on, but it always felt more of a home then most other sites that I lurked, even if I'm not always in tune with everything gong on do my own absences. Than again, the only place I ever felt really really uncomfortable off the time of my head was ponychan and its more family friedly spin off, though that's a different can of worms all together. >>/2050/ > yeah,he was probably an 8chan user who checked the board over here and encouraged us to go on. We may not know about him anymore, but those few posts kept my interest to go on a bit further than expected. He will be remembered.