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> That´s how the things work. I admire those who can pass each course with each year. I am not that special so this goes at a slower pace. 

Hey. Slow and steady wins the race. There was this cousin of mine who too everyone seemed like he was being left behind. Everyone else in the family had moved out of the house (and he was the oldest). He had no friends and spend most of his time in his room doing mostly online collage for seven years or so, but now is quite successful, much to the surprise of many. 

> part of the charm is finding it out along the way. Sometimes the spontaneous details give it a different vibe and define way more than you would have expected. Like the marks of my exams, you don´t know the results until you see them written. 

That is true as well.  

> ouch, well, that confirms my assumption. And I know that feel. When you have to write it because your body asks so, some emotions get revealed and you discover a part of yourself during that moment. But that´s just personal and works differently for each case.

Always been a night owl. Lately been tryng to adjust my sleeping habits do to a the various stuff so my sleep and wake times have been all over the place. Often am struck with inspiration at the most random times. I get what you are saying. 

> Not much better though. For starters, I think that get came around the 300 or 400 post, this was very different at the time and we didn´t have any pattern, so basically any shitposting was unironically welcome in order to fill the board....and it still applies today

So it would have been stale and stupid. Got ya. 

> Secondly, to anyone´s surprise, Nickelback, is not that bad, why? Because they have found an audience, even if it´s for being annoying, they have dedicated time to sell out, get popular,still get mentioned after their hype and do their own stuff.

Not a fan of nickleback, though a couple of there songs I could almost describe myself as liking, but I never understood why they got the level of hate they did. Everything attributed to them somebody else was doing way worse. There songs are at worst just mediocre and generic and even then they're still far from being the kings of those categories.   

> And third, it´s Cadence. Hi Anon came before and the memes around her have kept her popularity around.

It's the meme I was trying to push with forced/crazy stressed Cadence, so it's even worse!

> she´d better not stay drunk along with her sister. Who knows what could happen during that night?

bad things disguised as miracles, nightmares brought into reality, a new solar eclipse...