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>>/2056/ > Perhaps we could get some of our humor. uff, honestly on the internet it´s pretty hard to transmit some kind of humor without stating obvious punchlines. I personally when I want to make some fun, the one resource I have used the most is the sarcasm, ironic shitposting. It´s overexaggerated to the point it out, everyone can get I am making it. The thing is that I am so focused on making these posts that I barely put any focus on anything that is not related to the reply itself. I guess shitposting about the digits and using some reaction images have worked here so far. I guess chan culture found that way to make fun, so let´s keep it until we find something else (by accident or not), shitposts will lead the way by themselves. > Seriousness does not equal sadness and if it is mixed with calm it can be a powerful weapon in this age of either complete sanitized happy 24/7 or hyperbolic shrillig over everything. I use it not because I want to be a sad one. It´s just that I find that form of expression way more effective so far for me and get this, I find myself in the comfortable zone while staying on it.I add some ironic questions to put a little contrast on it while laughing at myself. In reverse, I cannot be laughing all the time and put one or two serious questions and then, back to unimportant stuff, most of my colleagues didn´t take me seriously or didn´t bother about what I said despite having some kind of relevance. I have been so used to experiencing it that those groups have ended up because of flawed communication and the breakup gets serious and it gets dissolved like sugar in any liquid. It hasn´t worked around my surrounding circles so it´s hard for me to keep that level of careless happiness, both in attitude and convenience. > We have a much higher percentage of participation to consumption then most fandoms, if not all large ones. Everything is used and we have a mentality from the eariier days to run with eve one off lines, so yeah, plenty to work with now. mostly everything has been established. Not the first fandom to arrive but certainly the one who has established the foundations the best. Only the furry fandom competes and I suppose PKMN, can reach this popularity. However, that level of consumption, the urgency for getting more content... everything gets a chance to be used just to fit it in for more pony content even if it sounds crazy. If that idea produces content and even better, enjoyable entertainment (from OCs even), it´s a good idea in the eyes of its public. A case worth of study but here we are, almost (if not) 8 years and counting. > /mlp/ I've always felt a little mixed on, but it always felt more of a home then most other sites that I lurked indeed. With all the drama, the pessimistic tone, the unexpected show discussion scattered in the threads, the wild ideas that spark in the generals, dedicated threads for fetishes or NSFW stuff that you cannot discuss in other parts of the fandom, the meta fights/arguments between fans of X character, your typical daily shitpost... there are plenty of reasons to hate it, but at the same time, you cannot avoid lurking there. There´s something special going on there, like an unannounced community where everyone fights and gets triggered between each other yet they stay.´ An anticommunity that has its charm, hence it explains your mixed feelings (and mine as well with the first posts of this thread) > the only place I ever felt really really uncomfortable off the time of my head was ponychan and its more family friedly spin off, though that's a different can of worms all together. intersting, very interesting actually. Maybe you like the dissonance or chaos that comes from /mlp/ yet there, they have a more chill mentality I guess. The most surprising detail is that you like /endpone/ and not that site, considering that both in theory work with similar behaviors, no hostility to be seen. But yeah, that´s a thing for another thread or topic.