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>>/2065/ > truly appreciated gesture. No seriously, thanks. I have kept a normal style of replies in the project thread after reading this. However, you are seeing that this is not only politics and it has a different perspective this time. No problem. It is something that was related to a lot of things in your past and I felt that the atmosphere there needed to be kept 'fresh' for future projects and just not to clutter the place. > We wouldn´t have voted the Republican party for ourselves but we preferred for Trump to win as a lesser evil of both sides. I honestly almost didn't vote for Trump. I thought it might be fun voting third party, but when the early polling reports started to come in showing a bunch of indicators that the democrates even stood a chance in Texas, I switched my vote just to try to be a small counter on the landslide victory that didn't manifest. If Trump was better at PR and more thick skinned and consistent in policy he could have done far better. Then his bombastic personality and randomness woud keep his enemies off guard and yet they'd have less to attack him with and perhaps I'd actually be a Trump supporter. > The lie that actually made an impact was during the post election weekend, November 12th. Organized protests from BLM, with media support and causing property damage in the streets. I was just overwhelmed about that rage they showed. BLM is a scary organization. The pain felt by many of these people is actually understandable, but those sparks were taken in a scary direction that attacks all dissent within and is seen by many as being the only voice for that community from without. Many of them actually crave the racial tension as a way to further their goals. > I don´t know...I knew I warmed up with politics from 2015 onwards and I could keep my mood for the most part. Just that I got obsessed with it and I discovered that some little conspiracies were actually showing a part of the truth. I didn´t want to believe it and I struggled to jump onto conclusions if I was having the silver hat or if this was a truth I wouldn´t have liked to see. Whatever I thought or doing (summaries of inorganic chemistry, music...), I felt trapped during that weekend. I just couldn´t handle that dark side of politics and felt naked psychologically. I don´t believe in apocalypses but that was the most claustrophobic moment I have had with an adult brain. It all happened in the same room I am sitting on right now, a bedroom of 6 square meters Rapid changes of political views are painful. This post ultra hyper partisan era has been painful for many I"ve seen. Not like the 2000s with a bunch of kids slowly becoming liberal in adulthood just because of ineffective and disconnected right wing elite and most everything big subtly pro the otherway, but a far faster process where its like your foundations collapsed on you, but at this point I"m just repeating myself. I loved politics since a young age yet I too feel a since of darkness when I look too deep. I've honestly considered going apolitical as both a survival tactic and just because of getting tired off it all... but I would only be uninformed and unprepared if I did so fully, plus part of me still enjoys some parts of politics still.