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> In fact, despite desiring darkness, whenever I write a green, it has to be motivated with something else and even, catching pessimistic inspiration and transmitting different feelings instead (even joy). I don´t look for it as something one has as its gimmick but as a way to find reality. 

I have notcied that. Despite the dark vibes you give out at times you have really never written a tragedy. Your first green significant length was escapist, your bat pony fic was just a look at a interesting perspective,  your Luna fic was a whole mi of things, dark physiological vibes with a hint of political cometary but also redemption, etc. 

> . That darkness isn´t even darkness nor direct depression but a bigger apathy for things I want to do. Maybe it´s because I am getting older, but I don´t feel like doing the half of the things I used to nor have as much passion as I had like for example in 2014 or 2012. Like having less energy for fighting the things you want. Nothing changed during that weekend around me save my own brain and philosophy about politics. After facing that,it´s like finding new reasons to live and new purposes with the old traditions I have always done but with a negative twist in my mind.

I think i know that feel. Honestly, there could be a whole myriad of factors that contributed too that. From simply growing older and changing interests to just the off and on mental stress university to the darker politics itself. For me though I knew that feel from my own dark period of all work no play and for me it was because I forgot to how to have fun, if that makes any sense. In a way you are almost subverting it when you go about something with dark apathy. My only advice, if you were miffed about not having that passion, perhaps you put too high expectations on fun, and cast off something as not fulfilling if it seems mindless to you or too simple  something I did . 

> I have thought that their smiles hold a big value and it would be a big failure if those people lost them by noticing this stuff. I don´t know... time had to happen, day after day without expectations nor looking for the big scheme and pay off for something good

Watching people. Well, again it may be a bit differet then you but I think I get this, I have already mentioned it i believe. Unstressed simple folk with simple routines ca be a comfort. I would go on futher but I feel I'm about to go down my own rabbithole of thoughts if I try to explain my somewhat esoteric thinking that connects to stuff fromway back. 

> And one of the motifs I found to look for in 2017......was the movie. That should show how low I was aiming at. 

The movie had positive vibes that were through the roof. As simple as it was. It was a fun experience and perhaps something that brought back a good bit of positive energy. I know it made me feel happy in a way that I haven't really felt before. A simple pleasure, fun with others and team accomplishment as well all mixed into one.