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>>/2068/ > oops,huge mistake. Democratic party I meant (even though politics are filled of freemasonry anyway so I wouldn't be surprised at all,just that the democratic ones made bigger scandals/noise at that time) Agreed. Though it is quite interesting to note where it is and sometimes where it is't. Did you know that the Trump dossier originated in part from Republican circles, the left dismisses the fact the clinton still took up funding for it, but Paul Singer, a man who was at the heart of the Republican donor sphere, funded research on all of the candidates by that shadowy firm. He is the perfect example of one of the shadowy elites you talk about. He is honestly a way more fitting target then the scape goat you hear the left blame all their problems on: the Koch brothers (somewhat shady, but they are actually some of the more straight forward in intentions and easiest to track) yet he only gets some coverage and a few leftest rants, as the Koch brothers dominate the headlines. And then you have candidates like some of these Tea Party types. They are always said to be the the most lobbyist influenced do to there varying extremism (which ranges from uncompromising crazy ultraconservative to actually somewhat level headed libertarianism or small government conservatism) , yet many of them actually were running against the establishment with little money and doing some of the same grass roots organizing tactics that the left thought Berrie Sanders invented. Though some are still some who are quite slimy too obviously but it's not the narrative told to you by the mainstream media here. > there are a few misspellings or faults out there but I am fixing this one: The /end/ is not about perfect grammar anyway. I'm not sure if I have a lot of errors in this because I"ve been interrupted several times. I'll be posting the rest of my reply tomorrow probably, do to those interruptions and a few task I still have to compete for the day. Still, always nice to have clarity and it s appreciated, especially when it is a greater labor on your part.