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>>/2071/ > It is something that was related to a lot of things in your past and I felt that the atmosphere there needed to be kept 'fresh' for future projects and just not to clutter the place. even if it ruins that freshness,I could pull a Midnight Radiance improvisation based on previous posts and give a different direction than expected. You may not know where the thread will go, neither do I. There are solutions for everything. Besides, I think I may have a little spark out there that it´s completely unrelated to all of this. > I thought it might be fun voting third party, but when the early polling reports started to come in showing a bunch of indicators that the democrates even stood a chance in Texas, I switched my vote just to try to be a small counter on the landslide victory that didn't manifest. The anti-vote... you know, the 2nd time I have voted in my life, I did it just to block the vote of the other side and even counter their voice. Not a supporting vote but voting against someone else. I knew some Trump voters voted because the Democrats weren´t any better. We would have done the same if the situation was that delicate. > If Trump was better at PR and more thick skinned and consistent in policy he could have done far better. Then his bombastic personality and randomness woud keep his enemies off guard and yet they'd have less to attack him with and perhaps I'd actually be a Trump supporter. one does feel forced to vote someone who doesn´t like personally but sees no other chance to do it. He´s a manchild, loves women like crazy and he says whatever he wants depending on the coffee he drinks every morning. Provocative and lots of random stuff yeah. However, there was a lot of propaganda (yes, here in Spain) telling that he was the next Hitler reincarnated and I thought: "He cannot be that bad, even the Devil has its own problems". I didn´t have any fear of him, in fact, despite him being a provocative uneducated person, an attention whore about him being rich, misogynist and stuff related to it, he didn´t commit one key aspect: he was not an assassin... and I am not a supporter nor a /pol/poster since 2016. > BLM is a scary organization. The pain felt by many of these people is actually understandable, but those sparks were taken in a scary direction that attacks all dissent within and is seen by many as being the only voice for that community from without. Many of them actually crave the racial tension as a way to further their goals. in fact, antiracists are ...the biggest racists ironically. They pretend to fight against inequality yet they elevate them because of the color of their skin,like they are disabled and need support like children. That elevation is much more racist than they imagine and if you don´t agree with their position, bam! fascist,nazi, etc. The pain that victims received gets overshadowed because of those intentions added up to their disgrace,taking advantage of them for fighting things that are way more aggressive. A pity....and manipulated with money in the end.