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>>/2076/ > i never really got it to it. Don't have much of an opinion on them either way. me neither. Just a few images for laughs that my friends see around social media and that´s it. I had seen them on /pol/ as well but I mostly ignored their message/comedy. > get it, because nobody uses that standard anymore! 4chan is just a given. kek, and it indeed ruins the fun. Even funnier is when the one who does it, he actually does when he says so. > you didn't go for normal tactics in rebellious attitudes or didn't have a rebellious mindset set at all and just was awhere of things that conflicted with your interests. mostly that menaced my bubble of personal things. I have lived in a bubble for the most part and when I interacted with reality, I had found some fear when I was alone or left without any friends with me. I could sum up my childhood and part of my teenage period like joining up constantly in the short term...just to survive others presence. Not alone by personal force which resulted with lots of partners that left a lot to be desired but they served for that moment. The challenge for me was always going outside and no, I am not allergic to the sun (except when there are nearly 40ºC obviously) > I know that I probably am a bit strange even if things aree more stable now. time and experiences redeem most things you believed in the past. It has happened to 95% of the people. That strangeness goes away when you get into the adult dynamic and you go for your own stuff. You could get irredeemable symptoms as well but those are mostly genetic or health problems. The psychological side gets adapted whenever you have to face reality or at least, you realize the ambient you are stepping on. I have become at times a very sociable person but I admit socializing isn´t the problem. It just takes my energy faster than others but that doesn´t mean I don´t enjoy it nor I am awkward at it like I did before. > I also don't like waring such strangeness or autism as badge of honor as quirkiness does not make you superior and has been turned into the "in thing" by sites like tumblr and reddit to a lesser extent. that´s kind of problem. The Peter Pan syndrome that I would have liked to have yet, it´s worse to live like you are proud of being that strange. Sure, you might have an interesting point of view because of not facing the truth and showing that you are an autist or even sexual orientations. However, this is a problem for social status. They believe that being a LGBT person means that you are a special snowflake and different. Nope, they are not,that orientation doesn´t lead to anything special in terms of social status, you are all just another lemon tree like the rest. Aaaaand they get offended, I wonder how,I wonder why. I bet they haven´t been told about the blue blue sky I saw yesterday.