> we got several greens and to 2000 post with that, don't it if it in't broken I suppose.
if they get broken, they will....along with the servers
> I think that it's good o be serious and grounded in man ways. Especially if...
> ...stuff like that happens.
eeeeyup, you got it. There are good reasons why I am using this path. And seriously, I have seen so many cases around that I have stayed unaware of them until a bit later. They pretend that nothing is over but it actually ended. Parties for this week, breakup for the next one (and for stupid reasons at times).
> It still feels a major part of the fandom's beaing heart.
indeed, we cannot deny that.
> There is almost a sense of /comfy/ as well, or something akin to that feeling anyway, as laughable that may sound to some.
because Tumblr has left us, we are not trendy. We have gone back to the initial community feel, much closer and more experienced. The comfy feel comes because we are used to seeing the typical shitposts and that we know how we all act between each other. 2016 started that trend with that downhill in popularity.
> I still can't fully wrap my head around why I don't like it. I haven't ever minded those behaviors on any other site, not even the EqD forums for crying out loud! It's just something with those communities. Maybe if I find the time I'll fully write out my thoughts on it.
you´ll figure it out but it seems really strange considering your own thoughts. Maybe it´s the consensus between them? the comment system? the ambient?
some answers require time...