> because I will need further thoughts in order to add a few aspects of those articles and a personal opinion about it.
Take your time fam. Note, nearly all of those articals are from the mainstream left leaning media of my country. I often those sources because they will be trusted by who I presume I'm arguing against. Usually the narrative is that the Tea Party insurgents are all lobbyist slaves. Doesn't mean that some didn't become beholden to special interets and what not, but they arose in a similar fashion to some of our current progressive politicians. They have been usually, for better or worse, far more consistent on there voting patterns the they average republican, even when the donor class screams otherwise. I honestly have rather mixed feelings on the movement and I'm not calling them political saints by any means.
> it´s weird but it was going to happen someday. Really active while we were posting and somewhat unexpected. Around 11 PM when I made that first reply, almost 2AM while making this one.
It was, if I remember right, 4pm(ish) when I left and it' now midnight. I do think this happened once before, when that other anon was still here I remember all three of us making replies at once... I think it was shortly before he disappeared.
> have to discuss what´s left for season8 and make the average replies in the meantime.
I think I finally will join in. Provided nothing else happens which there is a tree at my grandfather's that could fall if we get any more rain...
> I haven´t written any single thing yet!
It's a simple spark I know, but I had a coupe of sparks that look like there going somewhere and the way you worded it reminded me of how I feel. Something starting that could lead to fun or dark and interesting places. Sorry if I jumped the gun.
Also the /pone/ is in the top 10 again!