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>>/2074/ > Billionaire hedge fund manager Singer is a longtime GOP activist and has donated tens of millions to Republican groups, candidates and causes. He donated $24 million to Republican and conservative groups in the 2016 election alone, with $10.6 million donated in 2014 and $2.8 million in 2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. and that money came from.... > he doesn’t actually want to own a soccer team, least of all one with as many problems as AC Milan. Plus, he likes making money even more than the beautiful game speculating with Argentina like a good motherfucker philanthropic. Buying at low price and then selling it with astoundingly big numbers, everything or no offer at all, no concessions whatsoever. Also, he is a sionist, /pol/ can have a field at insulting him. His strategy is buying vulture funds and whenever you have the doubts,he buys that little doubt and then it´s his own doubt, so he creates an artificial one for getting even more money. Basically Argentina stops paying the doubt in 2002, the investor says no (that doubt was at 182 millions) and Singer bought that doubt before and he ascended that doubt for about 2.3 billions. Watch because that vulture fund didn´t lend any money to Argentina in the first place and Argentina made an offer to give him 5 more times the doubt they originally had to pay. Elliot Management denies it because he sets the "default" mode and wants (with judgemental processes on their back) all they desire, so they would earn enormous quantities. Challenging a country, not because there is the usual doubt one has to pay for the banks with interests (a small percentage added to the original value) but having to pay by force, to the will of one speculator who desires swimming in money in his home. I hope this doesn´t happen in my country, he is the creator of the vulture funds. Great motherfucker. > the shadowy elites you talk about. He is honestly a way more fitting target then the scape goat you hear the left blame all their problems on: the Koch brothers (somewhat shady, but they are actually some of the more straight forward in intentions and easiest to track) yet he only gets some coverage and a few leftest rants, as the Koch brothers dominate the headlines. like Soros as well. Those rich people don´t care about appearing in the press, they are at their best, low to mid tier speculators in comparison to the actual top of that party. You don´t know who they are but the strategies these visible speculators apply, they should give you an idea where they are leading us into. I have seen that he has taking advantage of Peru or Republic of Congo (he received 127 millions in 2012 from that country, by buying a doubt of 10 millions saying he was going to reduce poverty around there. Bullshit). This is why I have read somewhere that Argentina is in a sensible position these days financially and somewhat unstable...