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>>/2074/ now,about the Tea Party: quoting the first article: instead of allowing more people to enter, he suggested doing more to improve life in the world's third world countries. not a bad idea at all. In fact, they would actually develop their own economies and leave Europe in peace. This article was written in 2014, either it is a populist discourse or not, that ideas has gained force for these 4 years. In fact, there are ultraconservative parties in Europe (claimed as fascists and far right by the media) by putting a protectionist project just to get rid of Middle East migrants. Not saying they were visionaries but they warned about the consequences before they were visible over here. The rest of the article is basically about complaining the practices people like Singer, Koch or Soros do (any speculator that applies dirty moves in the Wall Street). I cannot say much here, just that I share their view on this aspect. The 2nd article basically tells that the Tea Party menaces both big parties (harshly criticizing the light Republican Party) but like you said, they didn´t have any kind of uniformity on their words, just a few ideas (10 if I have browsed right) that they shared during the movement. I don´t know much how I would drive the US (it would be an impossible powerhouse to handle for my taste), but in terms of ideas, I mostly agree with the conservative points but not the laissez faire from their libertarian side. I would have mostly agreed and even support them a bit, but that libertarian aspect drives me back. My friend actually wanted to be an anarchist because he saw for one moment that the system was a joke. However, he ended up being a liberal because the no system application is technically impossible, a joke as well, it makes no sense to have a society like that. The last article feels like describing the fanbase as well, a meta analysis about how they are going. That movement ended in 2016 and they lost their hype and not many can survive and stick with it like the initial spark/reaction to those policies they condemn. > always nice to have clarity and it s appreciated, especially when it is a greater labor on your part. thanks fam. These posts take me a while. Writing opinions on a national newspaper would take me less time than these replies actually.