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> at least, it comforts me to check that I am not the only one who got surprised by this polarization. It got way too extreme and yes, it´s rapid because we check the news and social media daily. Just that I didn´t use them but alternative sites parallel to their own vision

I don't know the full story over there, but I know over here I started to notice it with gammergate, most of this people who got caught up in it were either apolitical or normal social liberal lefties who where completely blindsided by being attacked from the left, especially when they weren't even for the scandal. Leftism was always supposed to be permissive and lack rules while conservatism was supposed to be rigid and censorious. It debased a lot of people, narratives that they would have accepted before without a thought were now something that where victims of  though in my opinion gamergate was a stupid waste of time, but that's beside the point.   Same true with a normal multicultural supporting European who experiences friction with immigrants, then later slander for even being slightly critical or concerned. Suddenly all these wild conspiracies seem quite appealing or at least possible and the institutions that you used to trust (media, academic) discredit themselves so much on it, that you figure they must be wrong on other things too. Radicalism, confusion, sadness, and disillusionment with everything is  all a given.    

> My foundations would have been those values if I didn´t tune up with politics along with my friend and my personal research on the chans. They are somewhat ashamed that I turned in the other side of the spectrum despite desiring the same objectives they want.  

> how fast the events that are happening and they don´t surf on the internet at all. So I have earned a dissent view because of a different medium instead of a TV.

Then they have a TV mainstream view of conservatism/right leaning liberalism. Right wing = racist, liberal = business elite  capitalist probably (in academical circles here, liberal in  the European sense can also mean neoliberal, which is a word that the leftist in my country attached all different meaning and ills too). They see all these fact checks and rand anything that goes against the narrative being debunked "soundly". The fact that they don't surf the web makes things harder too, as anything you showed them would be met with suspicion, as they, being tv watchers, probably have heard all about the right wing radicalization and may have have a distrust of medium itself to an extent. You have to catch the mainstream stumbling real bad and or they have to experience some of the ills itself for them to question things, the later of which you obviously wouldn't want ta happen. 

> considering the times we are living in, I don´t like writing about tragedies. 

Don't blame ya. I personally don't like tragedies myself. with a few exceptions. 

> I didn´t expect to write that redemption so soon but it came because of the song behind it. I had plans to make it last for a long series yet I wrote the ending because my head wanted to write about it right at that moment 

I get this. My main writting when I was younger was actually similar to your's, I used to write little moments to songs that I liked, never completed a fun anything then, because I just wanted to get to the emotional high or low that I felt like at that moment.

>  My standards of fun have not reached an upper zone, just that I wish I could have lived with more innocence, focusing on my own stuff and leave out all the rest. Maybe that lost of innocence represents a sign of growth in the end, just it feels harder to find any hope out there.

My loss of it was way more personal... but I feel that wondering if you can full downtime. Though over the past couple of years I have started to have some carefree unguarded moments that I wouldn't have thought possible. Still, most of my interactions IRL are mired from that by distrust, and I am very closed off reflective worry wart still pretty often, even if I'm way more inan