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>>/2097/ > I agree a in principle, they have way less baggage then the libertarian party here and think that it is good they provide critical voice to the croniness of both sides when they are at there best I do have praised the critical and anti establishment decisions. That criticism has been silenced in all the spectrum save the extremes and seeing that a non-extremist party puts a few harsh truths over the table, it sounds refreshing and speaks for a few dissent voices. Sounds appealing because of that aspect. > I don't trust th blind free trade with everybody and would be concerned how they handled the military (I agree with cutting the military and being less of a world police, but I would have to explain a lot of stuff on the US military and policy to fully explain my position) there it goes my problem, too much liberty in the conomic aspect, so there aren´t any laws nor principles to balance it. That´s my actual problem with it and it can get easily transformed into anarchic-capitalism. I am one of those who doesn´t believe that humans are good by nature, so having to depend on the mood the people around´s certainly not the most comfortable thing. Capitalism can really aggressive than we may think if you give too much free rein to it. About the military stuff...I can imagine a little bit why you have that perspective but I think it would be too much to explain for now (and the US isn´t a country I would like to take over my own decisions because its dynamic is way more different than any other European country). There will be time for that part. > the conservatives side at it's best doesn't t the left control the terms of debate, and provides a much needed distrust to the banking system, debt, and blind adherence internationalism, well, not a bad standard, although the debate has to exist even if the left has a repulsive discourse. > but is sometimes so hard headed and so bad at PR that they ruin there progress. ( Let's shutdown the government over the debt! Democrats and Republicans proceed to pass a budget that is worse then the previous one do to no concessions they had to make to them), did they even know the complete budget? How is it worse? In which aspect? Again, the budget is still there just that is focused on certain preferences or badly distributed for the society at worst, not because of the relationships your party has with the government. I think they went too over-dramatic on this one and it could explain why their hype was dissipated over time. > plus some of them at conservative for the sake of being conservative, even when it makes no sense. oh ignorance. Sweet ignorance, that´s what the masses do, follow the voices for no reason. > I didn't mean to link bomb you there, but I was trying to provide sources for the claim. These political replies of a secondary priority, you don't to reply to these hastily well any post for that matter all the forums do that, use articles from official media. That´s what the actual internet has done all over the years, just that the matters have changed drastically from jokes to politics all that fast, so the latter has become even more mainstream than ever. I cannot respond that hastily because politics have managed to find a way to be more technical and it doesn´t only rely on words but numbers, trends, statistics, graphics and such. This cannot deliver such careless or diverse opinions as one would do for a show, book or any entertainment media. The only way to argue with this is proving the things fake or true by judging the numbers, who does X thing and such. Pure economy, the social science at its finest. Politics in the end, are a medium to find the correct and most convincing words for any plans and find a way to manipulate people to jump onto that decision. As simple as that.