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>>/2099/ > Then they have a TV mainstream view of conservatism/right leaning liberalism. Right wing = racist, liberal = business elite capitalist probably (in academical circles here, liberal in the European sense can also mean neoliberal, which is a word that the leftist in my country attached all different meaning and ills too). ooooh boy, the old racist card for any right wing person who doesn´t fit into the correct agenda. Also, liberal doesn´t imply just bankers. The saddest part is that they all catch this part of the spectrum for covering their moves (because in extremist societies, you cannot afford that) so the term gets poisoned because of that. However, I say this in its defense. Would a "liberal" elite desire free market and competence? I highly doubt it, they only want more power and money, so they have to use the laws to make questionable strategies and do whatever in order to get rid of the rest. This is why the top is tense and have to make concessions in order to not interrupt their own interests, even colliding and not matching at all. However, if they wanted, they would want all for them, the less competence and the more it relies on the monopolistic leader, the better for him and his interest. > The fact that they don't surf the web makes things harder too, as anything you showed them would be met with suspicion, as they, being tv watchers, probably have heard all about the right wing radicalization and may have have a distrust of medium itself to an extent. literally the situation of my elders. They don´t surf on the internet neither and the Tvs are like a shitshow, they have become left wing and even an enemy of the state. However, only the younger generations sees this and it clashes with their experienced opinions, the ones they are used to watching. I feel that frustration as well and it´s hard to make them change on anything about their views just because they saw it on the TV. Ugh. > You have to catch the mainstream stumbling real bad and or they have to experience some of the ills itself for them to question things, the later of which you obviously wouldn't want ta happen. nope, I don´t want the latter to happen but sadly, nobody gets scared if it happens to 3rd parties as long as it doesn´t happen to me: the episode. It hits too close to home what you are saying and I sometimes think too much in order to prevent that these consequences happen to my family. I want to avoid them so they can live in a "bubble" but they don´t see that near them, something is happening outside that at any moment, it could happen to us. This is the most frustrating part I have had to reply so far and it pains me to recognize that the blindness is something this internet generation has to put a big effort and responsibility on it. With the media against that dissidence, it´s an underground medium to counter it, word by mouth because one family member spreads it...