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> My cousin is was a Nintendo fanatic too curiously enough, who still played it when he was an adult living with his parents though he was way more introverted and quite. 
there are always more extreme cases, not always the worst nor the best. Just another one. I mean, in the adulthood, you can perfectly choose what you want without anyone saying what you have to do. I meant that in the childhood/teen years, you get prejudged for not doing the cool things like having a gf, going on Saturdays to a disco (with noisy music btw),pick a social group to get stuck with; somewhat copying the american lifestyle but with what we have over here. In the early 2000s, not many had seen that playing video games was a thing and technology wasn´t that advanced nor influential over here until the very late 2000s/early 10s. Now, it´s cool and nobody would judge your cousin for that (except maybe the manchildren adjective on /v/).I have known cases like that as well.

> But many take it so far that becomes they only focus above all else. I a personally grateful that I broke myself while I was still younger then adult age. I have seen others in the friends and family who haven't. 
not all the apparent bad events are that bad in the end. The moral here is: don´t run so fast because you will stop soon and probably you can get disappointed because of the time you have lost during the way. Sometimes having an accident makes you stop and think for a while what you believe you feel like doing next. though I have been operated 2 times in the elbow and I didn´t change my manners that much because I was an innocent teen when it happened 
> sometimes lost a bit of themselves and a whole lotta time in the process. Not saying I haven't seen cases of the opposite extreme either. 
changes of identity because they have had to pursue their objectives. I mean, being uncomfortable is a good sign of having a desire to make something better in the future. It´s way more common to find those cases because everyone wants to improve their way of life by having better jobs hoping to find better times. The thing is that nobody knows what happens next nor anybody is necessary in this world. 
One of my contacts desires to travel to a lot of places, end the grade and work at his 22. The moment he finds himself in a passive month or period, he finds himself nervous/uncomfortable because he doesn´t see his life running its "proper course"´s the closest case I know personally for a future case like you have mentioned.

> You got me posting green and beyond simple inanity, so I tip my hat to you as well. 
I don´t expect anything in exchange from anybody honestly, my expectations are pretty low when it comes to outsiders (in genera, not only on the net). Though I do take the additional advice/good ambient/material for granted anyway. A chain of favors that one has to follow. I do fear having a lack of empathy sometimes,feeling distant. I feel that those greens show better my feelings/mind state than describing myself explicitly.

> And it has spread to introversion, fandom, and even more mundane things. 
we are living in an interesting era. Not certainly the best but one in which you can analyze social issues way better than before without having to do much research. Nobody is special, we have been educated that we were going to be rock stars, special idols of fame, sailing on the sea with expensive boats, dedicating our lives to casinos....and then, you have those frustrations from people not reaching what they want, so they feel like justifying their own decisions to the society and blaming it for not putting a red carpet on their lives. Absolute narcissism.

> If I have free time maybe I'll even write an essay!
Hang on there anon!. You still have to watch one small thing besides season 8: the Christmas Special on 27th of October. Boy,we have to review the latter half and that 44 minute addition. 

Phew, there are a lot of things left even if it´s ending the next year.