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As for the other epsiodes I'll give my quick thoughts. Though the eariler  bug queen one I will being post my thoughts on at some other point, being the other notable episode of hype.  

A Matter of Principals
Good enough. not a fav, but okay fanservice. loved that Discord literally used the Cutie Map as an excuse to gt the plot moving as it has been reduced too this season.
Haven't seen this one. Partly spoilered but I didn't really care if I do. I was just considering saving it later for winter. Though if there is some important student6 stuff in there as I understand I may have to give it a watch before the season's final.
Friendship University
I could see this being annoying to some, though it isn't somethng that really care about i the log haul. Though admittedly it is a little weird about Stairswirl  going to some random university first, and not the freaking Princess of Friendship! 
The End in Friend
I liked this one a good bit. Perhaps it was a little weird to have TS insistent on having the students fallow them around but it isn't anything I'd complain about. It had some fun moments and a cute little adventure. my personal complaint would be just as it was getting to a climax the resolution was introduced, rather  the having a climax point and the big oh-uh moment. That's been my main problem with this season, things feel way to cluttered at times and trying to have to many characters have lines/be mentioned/locations and story elements show off. Somtmes makes pacing weird. 
Road to Friendship
This was pure fun. Loved it. Trixie Moonwalking, creepy stars, there was a bunch of little things I loved about it. Though the ultimate question is how does travel work?  They had this long montage, seemed to have reintroduced the concept of distance in this episode. Yet at the end there Dolores had a montage travling  back by herself and then feeling guilty and showing up in less than a day!