thumbnail of Screenshot from 2018-10-10 08-01-29.png
thumbnail of Screenshot from 2018-10-10 08-01-29.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot from 2018-10-10 08-02-01.png
thumbnail of Screenshot from 2018-10-10 08-02-01.png
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> The first thread to get bump limit, the main general of /endpone/! 

The significance of this maybe not the greatest in the world but for smaller /alt/ chan standards it's pretty big. I cannot tell you how many boards I see that have threads go on for years without reaching bump limit. That's with sometimes even a few dozen people passing by. The fact we did it with 2 plus the occasional 3rd in a few months just caught me off guard in a good way and I just wanna to reiterate it by telling you what I usually see. 

> Unbelievable, is it? I honestly didn´t know how much this was going to last, I am always implying that all of this could end tomorrow and get into a middle of the road point.
I agree. Though I don't view this place as fragile as I used too  at least in regards ta one of us simply disappearing off the board with no explanation,  it still feels weird to be here, but in a good way. 

> This is why I am calling Tournevis so he sees what he has created accidentally and two fags completed his thread.
Love to hear from him and see what his reaction is to accidentally making a centerpiece of our tiny board culture.   

> the cubism filter looks somewhat peculiar with this picture. The thumbnail looks like it hasn´t been edited yet it fits when you zoom the image. Will Amore stand all the edits you can possibly imagine with such style?
Yeah... I had the cubes set too small for a picture far too big. There maybe an interesting art application if explored, but all of those were just the result of mindlless messing around and I just wanted to contribute something to this thread for the start.

> no need to rush, don´t worry, get well and that´s what matters. Even if everything stops, we have made more than enough long ago. If it affects you IRL, little to nothing can be done over here save maybe bringing a smile or two by seeing pony content. 
I won't rush. Though I may have some retarded OC that was born out of this posted in a few days. This bug, I'm not going to go into details, is pretty weird mix of systems. It's not severe at all yet is completely draining witout being a bad cold or flu. 

All and all, just another proof of life for now. But I will be back to build more bridges!