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> The significance of this maybe not the greatest in the world but for smaller /alt/ chan standards it's pretty big.
Well, it seems that not many boards can reach what they always create even if it´s been years since their own creation. It means that this board has stayed active and proved to be capable to end a thread in a satisfying way. The best part is that we could have ended it up sooner if we didn´t focus that much on other ones. S yeah, the speed could have gone faster than it did. Still, the path remains as the most important element, not the final flag.

> I cannot tell you how many boards I see that have threads go on for years without reaching bump limit. That's with sometimes even a few dozen people passing by. The fact we did it with 2 plus the occasional 3rd in a few months just caught me off guard in a good way and I just wanna to reiterate it by telling you what I usually see.
and you do good in reminding me that we are more active than those two chans you have shown here. In less than 10 months, we have managed to reach near 2k by ourselves, trusting on the other for future replies and make a chain one after the other.
There are two tricks here: despite posting as anonymous, this is part of the brony fandom, so this is like a community place at its core, so there is a sense of distant comfort that while unknown, the same rules still apply. We are barely different than any other pony board or even forum. Ponies do transmit a language at times.

The 2nd trick is never using all your gallery at once. You run out of pictures very fast if you post 5 with each reply. Besides, a lot of pictures in just one post barely bring any attention. I normally use the classic way of posting one with each post and feel like each post is different. At times, the edit thread has adopted the 2 images, one for the original and the edit next to it. Or like you do here, not pony content but off topic pics that have nothing to do with ponies and are there to inform. Otherwise, following the one picture-one post is the key why this board has reached bigger numbers. A lesson that I have learned from 8chan, they are not as active because they spend all their weaponry at first and they leave the thread in a virgin state.

Maybe I am too demanding for my own standards even though I have relaxed myself a lot since the 1000 post digits. I can hardly appreciate it as an outsider perspective and put my mind into other way. I just cannot see what we are doing. Just do and see what I can post next. What I get to appreciate more over time, are the greens and the evolution that this board has advanced over these threads.