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Well, back to season 8 discussion while I am loading the next episode and seeing it without any lag in between. On The Road To Friendship is kind of the reverse friendship episode in the sense that everything gets worse and worse by pretending that nothing happens between two friends. A friendship can be (great and) powerful in order to make obstacles easier and when in the song, it seemed like cartoon physics, the road was actually dangerous and Dolores admitted it. Saddle Arabia wasn´t planned to be designed for this episode actually but that unicorn sure made an annoying background company (in the funny sense) for these two. There´s not much to say about this episode save saying that it was a pretty enjoyable one, pretty similar to All Bottled Up but instead, it´s Trixie the main protagonist and the one who receives the biggest part of the misadventures. Another challenge of friendship for them, they prove that friends have conflicts even if they pretend that nothing is going wrong, they try to overcome that but at some point, it becomes unbearable. Even at their worst, they manage to bring funny lines and they don´t stop their cuteness. A few details that I have noticed were: the moonwalk from Trixie, how the Sunshine Sunshine moment was actually brought back (being relevant for the resolution by the way), how a couple of background ponies at first, then they become more relevant later for the plot and how Trixie is willing to fight for her wagon, she is capable to give up the world just for her precious home. I may not put the correct words in describing the moral but sometimes, friendship are not just made for the best moments, you have to deal with the worst ones too. Also, the resolution also brings how intimate stupidity proves that only friends can do that, you wouldn´t be capable to do it with a stranger. Not sure if I should include this one at the top but it ranks with a very high mark. It probably fueled a bit of shipping but no one cannot deny that both Dolores and Trixie brings a great chemistry between each other. Now, on the road to the Washouts.