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Well, The Washouts. Not that I have much to complain about this one. It seems that the second half of this season is delivering some morals that are reasonable and not too much out of context. I have to mention one little thing that prevents it from being a top tier episode, despite enjoying it more in the 2nd watch: the resolution seems like it was made for Rainbow Dash to look good or the better hero.I enjoyed much more the first part and the 2nd, the last third seemed a bit rush with that Team Rocket take off. However, I have to mention that the rest felt as charming as ever. I believe that this episode has had rock music the most, besides Iron Will´s appearances, in this series so far. If that wasn´t enough, holy shit Spitfire, calm down a bit, Scootaloo is a little filly, not your qualified soldier. That was an unexpected highlight. Another one was how Twilight also likes the risk and the image of looking badass. The bookworm pony likes fun and danger Another detail that made the episode to stand out was how Scootaloo confirmed in front of the screen, so explicitly, that she cannot fly so she desires to conquer the sky with another methods. Even with that Rainbow inch of her looking better in comparison to Lightning Dust, the episode served to show which way you prefer taking the things: sacrificing security and risk your life or putting security on everything yet it doesn´t sell nor sounds appealing. Basically,responsibility and awareness on that decision, Scootaloo regretted that when she joined the club she was looking up to the most, a little bit too late. About Lightning Dust, I don´t think she has received a bad image, she is just the rival for Rainbow now instead of causing danger to outsiders. She is aware about what she is doing and both Rainbow and Dust agreed at some point in the ep that they were fine with their own ways of thinking. It´s nice to see her again with a proper identity and remember her like Trixie, instead of ending up as a one-off pony, she has come back....and something tells me that in season 9,well have something planned for her. At least, she is not forgotten. Anyway, I have liked the episode a lot (much more in the 2nd watch) but not love, mostly because that feeling I get of the plot benefiting Rainbow somehow. I don´t know...I think that I will appreciate this better when LD comes again. For now, it has served as a transitional conflict for a big rivalry that we have to keep an eye on. Moving onto Rockhoof and Hard Place....