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Sounds of Silence Words hurt...and it ruins societies. Literally as offended as any Tumblrina out there. Also, do I have to mention the songs and background music? Because wow, that sure is a highlight for this episode, not all pop songs are that varied in terms of singing and for a moment, feeling like rapping in one part and then sing in a high tone. One of the best post season 4 songs out there definitely (not counting the movie of course). I thought 4channers were exaggerating but they weren´t. What can I say about this one? It felt truly satisfying to watch and my goodness, every little thing about that happened in this episode contributed for the resolution. Nothing was made out of nowhere.We got a good introduction, feeling like they are visiting a hostile village, that Fluttershy was losing time with the squirrels, how the episode title came because of a stream that just stayed you silent and the actual menace wasn´t that they would be angry and transform into kirins. The actual menace was about losing your temper and cause more chaos and a bigger mess because of that. This is why it reminds of Tumblr, being an immature living that cannot handle disagreement nor have any discussion with opposing views. The moral was that one cannot stand that silence and the loss of having a voice into this world and feeling like giving your personal view even if others don´t like, that´s where arguments start and one collides with the other. However, that anger was proved to be another feeling that we should know how to handle it and take it into account. This episode takes into the extreme case of everyone being offended so the solution is not having that voice ever again. Autumn Blaze was exiled and a kirin non grata for the village....and unlike Chrysalis, she knows how to roleplay and have fun with her loneliness. About the kirins, I don´t know if they are cuter when they look at you with that serious face or when they are actually happy. Also the leader Rain Shine was a queen, I guess Hasbro has reversed the cliche of queens being evil and princesses staying as the good ones (Eris in the latest comic). Sweet heart (pic related), arguing with someone else may be complicated but that´s how we grow and develop ourselves. We are social beings and so you are even if you are fictional. Societies fail because of this and we end up in a totalitarian regime for feeling like teenagers or children because we hear what we don´t want to heart. If that happened, freedom would be just another word and not even silence can cure it forever. Sure words hurt (and sometimes even more than violence) but if you know how to deal with it, everything will be fine and even learn something out of it. Taking this ride into a higher note, I am sure enjoying these episodes before the finale airs officially on Discovery Family and put this season into an end. I believe that the morals so far show much more about contemporary societies and I feel that they show subtle messages that we should take into account. Yes, adults are only grown up children and this episode proved that even adults cannot stand the words from others. Top 5? We´ll see... And now, dealing with Spike´s "father", Father Knows Beast before the finale comes up.