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Father Knows Beast

Okay, what a curious appearance from Sludge isn´t it? You know, like a meteorite and colliding just right at the moment for the plot?

Well, if the previous episode was about how to deal with the trush and arguing, this one is about how detect someone whenever he is lying. Oh boy, back to politics favorite´s weapon.

It´s immediately obvious that the faces he is doing show that they are not true and this leads to funny moments like feeling too lazy to fly, just drinking cider or eating all the cupcakes with gems. A real truant ladies and gentlemen with use of tears and pity in front of the rest.

Now, about the father title (this is a good one). Sure, that crash wasn´t an accident and for sure while showing himself to feel pity and some kind of sympathy, he doesn´t hide that he only wants what ponies offer with good will. 

He exaggerates it a lot and it truly represents what  beggars do in my capital city, taking advantage of people for a little bit of money. That´s actually an injustice because it makes other people look bad when they truly need it. 

Really, just with the Mount Aris, you would have to put a red alarm or at least question it and it´s too exaggerated that it actually shows the worst plot stories from Hollywood, an with an obnoxious sad tone. This episode shits and laughs at a ton of real life stuff out there believe it or not.

About Spike´s list moment, yeah,Sludge at least nailed and faked it pretty well. You can´t troll so easily if you don´t let some kind of genuine spirit in front of the gallery.

I will say that the Heart´s Warming fake setup felt really genuine though.

Again, this episode plays like as Dragon Quest, how Spike feels more pony like rather than a pure dragon. This is set up pretty well with the feathers detail in the beginning. 

The song, alright, while Sludge may not be the most likeable nor as design wise as nice as the kirins, he brings a lot of comedy around, especially on how picky he is with the stuff around Spike. The songs are usually for cute things but for this one, it serves its purpose at least on how corrupted the average dragon usually is (besides Spike, Ember, Torch and Smolder).

Also, wow, pic related has to be one of the closest sexual innuendos there has been ever in the series hahaha. Why should a horsefucker draw clop if we already have it here? 

 Thanks Twilight for raising up those questions but damn Spike, you broker her heart. Literally. 

And Smolder, well, she proves again that her character is not only worth to show it up for the students but for any slice of life situation, she sure has learned enough lessons to bend between what dragons are and what friends/family should act.She has proved that dragons while rude and "ambitious", they don´t reach those levels as her story told back then in Heart´s Warming. I am surprised that Sludge was so easy to leave with that resolution but what easy comes, easy goes.

A lesson that one should learn, you may not have the family you wanted but for sure, you feel more comfortable and more like you when you live with the ones who have loved you for years. A typical lesson for any show but with a greedy character this time. 

A filler episode? Probably but I enjoyed it more than I thought because of the comedy it brought, how Smolder was supportive again to Spike, how Sludge represents a certain kind of people that take advantage from everyone and doesn´t care about the helpers and how one shouldn´t trust on what one stranger says so easily.

So, here I end my own marathon of season 8. I am reviewing School Raze later....