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>>/2269/ > What exactly is Cozy Glow? How would, from what I understand it as, draining all the magic help her? if you knew her context behind, then she wouldn´t hold any surprise. She is one of those characters that works without context, look at how picky this season is for all the characters involved except for Neighsay and Cozy. We knew the backstory of everyone but them. That should make you think. I am needing a comaprison and a little bit of politics to explain why it was written like this > I know this was done to have the drama but it still is a little strange traitors never warn. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three is the enemy. > I don't understand tartarus. > So there is Tirek and a bunch of mid level monsters that sometimes were treated as part of the ecosystem? > these monsters were both prevalent in the everfree and had been relegated to a mid level threat at most. maybe that explains why the Everfree Forest feels like another forest? Maybe they use it as a medium to prevent that ponies gets hurt because of those creatures while going through it. A little extreme though. What we know is that the Tartarus (despite its Greek name)is just another prison but I wonder what standards hold for putting anything in jail > There is a potential interesting path with this though; what if Equestria starting locking these monsters/the few monsters who made it out and attacked towns? It could be a good Fluttershy episode though it still seems a bit ridiculous for this to happen in the first place. I had to see these lines before replying... But that would mean that Fluttershy is actually more powerful for being able to control them. Oooooh boy, I think having Discord on her side wasn´t a coincidence after all. > Though what is weirdest to me is that Tirek was pin pals with a foal. Why is there even mail to that place?!? How did Cozy Glow get all this knowledge and lust for power? Those are pretty good questions. No answer for this unless they used magical artifacts for the mail like the teleports from Chancellor´s medallion. > Is she really just a foal? I was kinda expecting her to be good ol' chrissy No, I don´t know why everyone expected that she would be Chrysalis. She remains in a grey zone where the writers have no long term plans for her. Her resolution will come in the last hour. However, I ask myself if we are dealing with an actual filly because goddamn, what a child. This ep gave "I need an adult" vibes. > I wonder how are they going handle all of this. They have dealt with a few holes created in the past but they aren´t stopping in creating new ones. I ask myself how many characters or questions will we have to await and resolve because there is not much left? Unless they are lying and they are preparing season 10 as an answer for the leaks event. > I admit, in some ways I could even like the school better over what they could have done, because it just felt wonky to me to have the pillars in equestria alive in the modern day, and I think if they played a larger role they would've been more of a problem from a plot standpoint (hey, you know all these old mysteries and spells that we have always attributed over the years to these old figures, well we can ask them right now!). this season has tried somehow to fix this with two episodes, which is not much considering that they are living history but this show somehow manages to make everything integrated. As if anything that was special at first, the spark of novelty and mystery gets lost as soon as it enters to the current timeline dynamic. We are used to seeing epic characters and epic situation for more epic content but here, it goes in reverse. What it´s epic, it becomes the routine and what it seems boring, it drives to an unexpected adventure.FiM plays a lot with that > I was even blow away > this opinion could easily change, but this is my first impression well, that´s nice to hear that one can enjoy it after 8 years on the ride