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>>/2270/ > I was fearful for his future developmet, I though he did awesomely in this. Pleseantly surprised. yeah. A pony may look average and hold nothing special but still, one shouldn´t judge a book by its cover. I also did that as well, so I am not the most indicated one for saying this. > She makes friends without a heart. She has kindness, generosity, laughter, loyalty, honesty, but she only uses it for her own purposes. But in this world, most of equestria's villains were completely devoid of it and acted out completely opposite to them, she could embody them at times. With a rotten twisted concept of friendship to glue it all together into something that maybe pretty uncomfortable to look in the minor. Well, having a villain that owns those elements and virtuosities of friendship for her evil intentions....that´s almost if not worse. An anti harmony villain brings cliches and patterns that one could expect. The Mane 6 handled perfectly Tirek because their fears were gone while facing him, they knew what´s the deal. I am putting you two examples that also held certain virtuosities: Dolores and Tempest. Dolores showed kindness. Sure, she twisted it in order to build the communist town for herself but she showed it and kept that aspect as well after the redemption. What´s the difference if she also twisted it? Because she lost a friend, used magic as a medium of power and created her own bubble to feel satisfied by fabricating fake friends (her objective). However, she felt remorse while she was feeling alone and she couldn´t stand Twilight´s words whenever she was getting defied and tried to deny the truth. After that, she holds a kind spirit whenever she can and occasionally, she reflects her anger. She needed time and an emo phase to create that, she was an adult and communism is an old news path in paper. Tempest, she held the elements of honesty and loyalty. She didn´t twist them, she was loyal to the Storm King orders, she had troubles to lie with her emotions so she doesn´t have a personality to hide her secrets. She just doesn´t care and while she had Equestria and the power with her leader, she didn´t bother about that but her horn. Whenever, she realized that she was a fool, her villainy disappeared because it was useless to her objective. She,in the comics and after her betrayal,stayed loyal to Twilight and was honest about some truths (like that Cadence conversation). Just that she stopped eventually about going after something she cannot recover and was just blind about not seeing her friend´s perspective. Why do I talk about them again? Because they are consistent and have those aspect inherent to their character, before and after. Cozy is worse because not only she acts like she owns them, but she plays and uses them for her purpose: power. When a politician lies in order to get the power so desperately, pray that he doesn´t reach it. Whenever one touches the power, one can have a free card for any totalitarian regime, including Dolores´s one Can you see why one would whitewash other villains? Old disharmony is expected. When you have the enemy at home, that fear is new. Not only you have to set up your mind, but delete the good moments you have had before the wake up. That period of confusion is when the villain stabs behind you at your neck and...success. > Could that time have been used for better? I say in comparison. It´s mostly nitpicking but it had to be there, it was part of Cozy´s plan to resolve. In general,everything flowed pretty well. > From a technical standpoint it is well done and different, though it's not my fav. Not a top 5 but it uppers the quality of this season a lot because of a refreshing situation > It'd be pretty crazy if it was just some crazed filly. > because if 9th is indeed last and they try to do this endgame plus EVERYTHING else and bring back every one off and minor character and solve every question it could be a wild ride. we don´t know yet. Some say that Grogar and Sombra are going to appear but I am not an expert for guessing games