thumbnail of Challenge for a Civilized Society - Unwound.jpg
thumbnail of Challenge for a Civilized Society - Unwound.jpg
Challenge for a... jpg
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This could all be projections from a personal view and overanalysis of a little children show.
Did I say little children? The fact that these lessons can be easily interpreted as a certain social groups, stereotypes, interactions,sacrifices... makes you wonder if that´s the only target audience here.

If this season was so uninteresting, I wouldn´t have written all these paragraphs nor we could have concluded realistic views of them. Yet, that charm still remains without any apparent change, the show is still as cute as ever and the deep messages are brought through subtle gestures, details, obscure lore, attention to certain lines, etc; it rewards the audience who keeps an eye on everything. Then, Hasbro knows that this show is not limited to one single age limit. As we have grown up, the characters and the writers have grown up as well with us. This show has a tomorrow, feels like we are watching a reality show (Coronation Street) but with all the fantastical stuff and magic behind. There could be months between certain episodes.

FiM has definitely stepped, while not into the deepest zone of animation, into a territory that in theory, no one would have put a penny. The real world is as uncertain as the next arc/menace that could happen over there. However, along the way, these lessons are not written in a book/letters like in the past but through experiences, very diverse ones. 

Every slice of life episode faces a challenge for characters that should have certain principals or common sense from the start and it only works when everyone looks for the greater good and want to leave something in this world, no matter who you are or even, what you did in the past (sometimes).

I am taking the title of this Unwound album from 1998: Challenge for a Civilized Society. In it, we see ourselves in a world map, how all the globe has enough power to drive ourselves into chaos and blow ourselves by any argument we have. 
Here, it´s the same. They could all fight and take over between the races, fighting each one over the other. However, there is just one world for all of us and we have to deal with ourselves one way or another. The magic is lost because diplomacy has become relevant in order to find something magical for all of us. 
The show optimistically with a sense of humor, tries to convey and encourage us that it´s possible to move forward and apply values that are universal and bring a common idea of what our past, present and future generations should overcome at anytime,carrying the torch no matter who you are. Keeping our legacy alive for a new event. 

That doesn´t mean it forgets the real stuff. It doesn´t rely on magic and rainbows like previous gens opr seasons but psychology, diplomacy, cultural values, experiences, challenges, fears...all kinds of circumstances for convincing us that we should understand us and prevent ourselves to get hurt in the future. Even then,there will be failures that will cost some property damage and have a messed up head. That means this system is flawed but it´s the least worst that we have found and one that the majority can find peace with one self.

Information and lessons for a new generation. The elders represent our ancestors and old historical figures, the protagonists are the adults who are entering into the world and the students will carry the torch and knowledge of those who left us behind. 

That´s what I have been thinking during this afternoon, a show made for the 21st century (mostly the West). Reminding ourselves that each other is all we´ve got here in this universe....and that´s alright.