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thumbnail of 1858156__safe_base_ms+paint.png
1858156__safe_base_ms... png
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Basically, thereĀ“s not much to judge about a shitposting story, although it felt like a little comical sketch with a laugh track behind.
> I would imagine that whenever Apple Bloom overexaggerates the milk drama, a couple of lines there would have made it, and when AJ say, skim milk, then it would accomplish a punchline for the audience. 

And that all it was. Me sick on my bed messing around with that tablet because I didn't feel like doig much else and was board. I perhaps could've made it better or a bit more clear in either comedy or insanity, but I just left it the way it was. There really isn't much to say as you already said. 

> UNLESS you wanted to reference this pure unfiltered evil creature

No references in mind, but that creature is evil.

Yes, I drew them and animated them myself, though I still have much to learn for the masters of Derpibooru  pic related