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>>/2283/ > I think this trend is in part do to my tendency breakdown, perhaps overly, things I like/didn't like in a episode. I rarely ever hate individual episodes themselves but trends across seasons that I pick up on. well, trends in writing also matter a lot and in fact, that form of analysis includes if the show goes in the right/wrong direction. I could rate the episodes by little parts and lines as well but I tend to do a global analysis instead in terms of enjoyment and feeling about it. > I try not to pass judgment to quickly on the school and such. I remember twilicorn and when EQG first arose and how everypony thought that was the end in quality wise words so the first impressions don´t drive you into rushed conclusions that one might regret in the future. The school for me, felt like another setup that its origins re bit questionable, it served as another setup that my mind didn´t bother as much by the time I watched the 2nd half. > their even was holdouts during season 4 who nagged on about the show being ruined, yet now season 4 is held in a reverence only behind season 1 and 2 by most of that crowd today. I knew from the start that season 4 felt like a well rounded season. Very few episodes brought down the quality and it pioneered the seasonal arcs for this show. I will never understand that overpraise or untouchable throne of season 1. I mean, yeah, it´s comfy and it was focused just in Ponyville, it felt private and personal in comparison to these recent seasons. I will say that its second half also has GOAT tier episodes. If MLP repeated a season like that these days, most fans would look at it as uninteresting for the most part. > (Did you know that during season 2 their were even season 1fags who hated season 2 for it's fanservice and how the show changed, they were much tinier then twilycorn and later hold out groups though). No way. How the hell is season 2 fanservice? Sure, you can point out Derpy (the most obvious example), the changelings for being edgy by that time and Luna. Season 2 didn´t have those drastic changes for the fans. In fact,Discord was planned by Faust from the start, Luna as well (funnily enough, they didn´t have anything prepared for Celestia until the fans asked for episodes about season 7), and Derpy appeared for a minute or so, the rest of The Last Roundup focused on AJ´s fears of letting down Ponyville. > I'm still not fully sold on the school idea but I feel like that the season was just above average, mostly okay with a few cool surprises, and some things that were well done. the school is somewhat questionable but the writers pointed out that they didn´t feel like writing that much about it. Just Hasbro asking for a new toyline whose sales have yet to prove its success or not for such sacrifice. > I am darker than I let on, arn't I? Just that watching reactors on YouTube just feels off, unnatural and ruins the experience by having someone else commenting at it. A fan should go for the episodes without anything in the middle between the watcher and the actual series. I had to give my disapproval when I read that.