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>>/2283/ > The show realizes that the people who watched it are growing up, while their are still obviously new fans who are little girls and boys there are also tweens and even teens now who grew up with this show from the early days on the hub. Indeed, I think Hasbro realized about this fact when they saw where the sales came from. This is why they have changed the way to call their franchises. Instead of saying girls and boys brands, they have called them 1st party brands or something like that in their latest quarterly reports. What I meant with those comments is that whoever watches it, it sends a message to basically everyone in different aspects of life. > Now that I thik about it, they could even count as a third audience group besides the children who have the surface plot and adults who get the fanservice, with perhaps some of the lessons for us too. nailed it. It has found a way to mix all of that with so many changes along the way yet it keeps the same spirit after all, it entertains you as if nothing happened. You won´t notice at first sight that it has changed but whenever you try to go deeper, you notice subtle changes that actually matter and no, you don´t have a letter to find it out so the interpretations are more varied with those implied but not obvious signs. > There is a lot to look into. indeed, I am not going to lie on that. > I'm going to have to give this season a rewatch. in fact, when you have less fears about what´s already produced, you cannot change it because it´s already there. Some fans have changed a lot their opinions over ti... > It amazig me how sometimes I discover stuff after it's been out for years and me having seen it already. well, you said it. > some of it could be projection, I really think that this has more then one layer to it. FiM doesn´t go in just one direction anymore. It seems like there is a dominant line for any episode but depending on how you get those interactions and little nods, you see it with another eyes that you didn´t notice. I am still confused about what Fake It Until You Make It tried to imply with Fluttershy. I only watched it once but I didn´t get it. > I'd say they've been building up the diplomacy angle for awhile but this season is where it is really starting to show. I could say that as soon as the map existed but I would have to be a visionary for that, considering that the show has usually been written in the short term. I could say that they have tried to solve problems for Manehattan, Las Pegasus and pony related places but as soon as the non pony species were included, you can notice that all those friendship problems paid off with this season. Kirin may have been a discovery but if a second episode happened, I would bet that the lesson would consist of improving their relationships or opening up to the world in general. > There are several elements that I could write little mini essays on. Perhaps I get around to it at some point. Time will tell...