Sane_Enough_Reasoning png
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>>/2288/ > I will never understand that overpraise or untouchable throne of season 1. I'd say nostalgia for the time period plays the biggest part, and perhaps the atmosphere surrounding things as well. Along with the worship of Faust. > No way. How the hell is season 2 fanservice? Sure, you can point out Derpy (the most obvious example), the changelings for being edgy by that time and Luna. Season 2 didnĀ“t have those drastic changes for the fans. In fact,Discord was planned by Faust from the start, Luna as well It wasn't common, but did exist. Though in a form that was all out I hate Twicorn tier was extremely rare. The most prominent example of any split was Season 1 vs Season 2 Luna, there was a sigificant amount of fans who held out preferring the personality of season 1 Luna... well the fan made one. Of course Woona arose from this but that became more of her filly personality. a lot with ship fics with a more shy less loud luna Their was also a differnce in tone between fics written in season 1 vs season 2, though that was merely a result of whe the writers wrote their fics and it was rare that any absolutely hated season 2. It was a variety of reasons, some just desired a show that wasn't anything more then a what it started out, considered the season more simplistic, and the rest, as crazy as it may sound to some, was a preference for some story element or implication of season's one world over perceived differences in season 2. I did a little searchig around, but I didn't find too much referencing this split. From the mlpforums I did find some expressing a preference for season 1 or for the show to be more simple but they weren't quite season 1fags. This is the only place I could find any season 1 fans in my two hours or so of searching and is the most relevant to what I mean: Though even then, I do remember a few times someone saying the show just wasn't the same for them now and a bit more negative the the commentators there but that was on 4chan if my memory serves me right and I"d be lucky to find anything from some random thread from years ago that I barely remember. Anyway, it's amazing to me how they are treated now, being lumped together. Season 1 and Season 2 used to be treated as different eras by many in the fandom, with different many considering to be different characteristics to fan works that separated the too (though it varied in fanworks on how true a split actually was). > Just that watching reactors on YouTube just feels off, unnatural and ruins the experience by having someone else commenting at it. A fan should go for the episodes without anything in the middle between the watcher and the actual series. I had to give my disapproval when I read that. Totally agree. it isn't my first choice, but my computer doesn't stream HD well at all, it's somethig I try to avoid