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>>/2296/ > I'd say nostalgia for the time period plays the biggest part, and perhaps the atmosphere surrounding things as well. yeah. You had to be there to feel the explosion and how things were shaping a defined form along the way. > it isn't my first choice, but my computer doesn't stream HD well at all, it's somethig I try to avoid I think there were sites in which they let for 480p but not sure if the sites linked here provide that low quality. Anyway, I just said that because going into that route ruins the experience undeservedly. > The most prominent example of any split was Season 1 vs Season 2 Luna > a lot with ship fics with a more shy less loud luna yeah, Woona and the real Luna with the mane completely restored. I remember a few threads that were around season 5 or 6 saying that new Luna was written as too stupid for their taste, so they considered S1 Luna too pure to be appreciated. I wonder how you can imply one character that looked like Fluttershy and barely had any/ no lines before her redesign (that was made by Faust). To me, that consideration was too stupid but that fandom created backstories for background ponies (Lyra likes humans for sitting in a bench). I guess that was the dumb part of having too much creativity. > Their was also a differnce in tone between fics written in season 1 vs season 2, though that was merely a result of whe the writers wrote their fics and it was rare that any absolutely hated season 2. consdering that the first and last episodes were that good, I highly doubt anyone could dislike it. I can understand the hate for some episodes (Baby Cakes, Dragon Quest, Mare Do Well although I don´t mind this one) but in general, it deviates very little from the achievements of season 1 in comparison to the material followed by it(with a few exceptions like A Canterlot Wedding or Lesson Zero) > some just desired a show that wasn't anything more then a what it started out, considered the season more simplistic, and the rest, as crazy as it may sound to some, was a preference for some story element or implication of season's one world over perceived differences in season 2. the lines you are describing are very funny in hindsight because not only the seasons now carry on and build story elements but also bring that sense of simplicity. What makes the episodes complex are the subtlety and continuity of certain events/actions. Sounds of Silence is simple yet it does embraces the political correctness solution to arguments. Not much difference from Over a Barrel for example. The show still manages to do both desires at the same time surprisingly enough despite all the ride behind it. There were a lot of fears for the show´s direction back then.