> Most patrician choice probably would have been the old FiMchan. Lot of earlier artist hanged out there, though nopony else so it died a long long long time ago in fandom years.
that´s what I meant, the old chans created as a protest because of banning ponies on 4chan in general until the both of /mlp/ happened besides Ponychan. If nobody went there, then it´s no wonder it faded into obscurity that quick. Also the design and interface look really primitive (early 00s), considering that FiMFiction was created before it.
> I'll honestly have to think before I decide today if /mlp/ is considered plebeian, but that be my pick if you wanted something to be really uppity about being part of an elite club.
shame that I never had the chance to join the elite club and point out the rest for going into plebeian routes....oh well, we´ll have the /end/ anyway. It balances the pleb taste a little bit.
/mlp/ is plebeian to my eyes because it holds one of the main roots and columns of this "meme fandom". Not to mention that the anniversary party always gets an article from EQD. In addition, the 4chan Cup also received some attention from outsiders so if it´s not plebeian, I don´t know what it could possibly be qualified with that term.