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Well, let´s begin with the LAST REVIEW of season 8. The Christmas Special of 2018: The Best Ever, Episode 27. So, one should be asking before watching this: why are we celebrating Christmas on Halloween? I guess FiM prefers October for all their own anniversary instead of December. However, that´s odd as hell and kind of funny. Seriously though, this special aired today just to have the DVD ready to sell on December. If I had trouble to even buy the movie, then imagine this one with a less impact. The impact may be less important because what actually matters is one thing: enjoyment and a comfy time. I have another question for the writers as well and this is more relevant: WHY...JUST WHY HAVE YOU PRODUCED THE BEST EPISODES IN THE 2ND HALF? (yes, in caps) So, this is a mane 6 episode and it reunites almost if not all what you have known about Friendship is Magic. We have been talking about fanservice and stuff but I think this is the closest to it that you will ever see. There are a lot of things going on and the plot device is simple: give a surprising gift for the pony you have are ordered to do it. The ending is basically that everyone fails yet at the same time, find charm between themselves because they are friends. Alright, that should fit into a simple filler episode. Nonetheless, the path for it sums up the trajectory of this show in many levels. -Flim Flam striking back with their usual corrupted business, this time selling bad quality toys for a money grubber price just to expand their business in Las Pegasus, like they tried in Friendship University. I cannot honestly believe they have actually used the line of 20% cooler for the plot unironically. and not as a meme. Consider me shocked when I heard that. Mike Vogel proves where he actually comes from with that touch. AJ is sure used to proving them wrong all the time and ruining their dirty strategies. -Pinkie´s quest shows her family, Yakyakistan as her 2nd favorite place to visit and the Santa deers dedicated for the best presents. There are little details that are worthy to be watched than describing them. I can mention that you understand why Yaks are not fans of giving presents back in a Heart´s Warming Club and how the deers serve as a medium for resolving part of the conflict. They are like the writers saying to Pinkie that she will need that gift for future events and they were: cookies. Nothing sort of amazing but it´s funny that out of all things, they resolve the mess from Twilight. -Now that I talk about the bookworm, she gets stressed as usual for the best recipe for Pinkie. Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurry come back, the latter messes it up like she does all the time (The Crystalling), Shining knows about a few cool moves and Cadence shows her view about Ponyville´s traditions. She mentions again that the Crystal Empire feels too boring for her and has a positive calm view about the misadventures that the Mane 6 have. This line appeared back in season 4at the end of Three´s A Crowd with her boredom in a samey place for her. -About Fluttershy,she may have been the least interesting out of the bunch despite sharing the story with AJ but she went completely fine. She just got tricked as any other customer and she still has that innocence at buying materials and lacking that picaresque mentality (Putting Your Hoof Down). Nonetheless, why didn´t AJ and Fluttershy got paired up before season 6? They do such a great teamwork together and they prove it here again like in Viva Las Pegasus or Sounds of Silence. Nice chemistry coming from those two and AJ has been fantastic all around. The background pony actually stands out in this one.