certainly not but the filter adds a sense of shadows or depth to the plain vector.
> Well I had no intent with this at all, I do agree with that assessment.
many of my own observations are mostly spontaneous. Sometimes they add something unexpected and other times I cannot type about anything at all even if it amazes a ton of people.
> didn't notice the hoof flaw at first glance. I really like how it is colored, how a bit of the white mixes in with it, even if it is just a byproduct of finger coloring. There's a certain charm to it.
in fact, that charm cannot be made on computer either. I am really bad at playing FPS games on PC, imagine myself painting layers of a pony picture. That white effect comes because some of the standard one which come in the app add the white circle in the middle.
A lot of edits that should be precise and perfect with technology....are not and a lot of times unintended along with the process.
>>/1847/ >>/1822/ >>/1590/ >>/1834/ >>/2350/
those pics have that recoloring technique just that the color used is randomly put all over the picture. It´s hard to describe but let´s say that when you recolor it, it goes black and white and when you put the finger on the screen, if you don´t leave it from it, with the color you have put on, you can paint the rest if they are with the same tone so other parts remain uncolored until you don´t move it away and put the finger on another part that has another color.
I will always repeat it and it´s really easy to make picture with dog faces and snobbish effects for your selfies and post them on Instagram....yet a picture like that Fluttershy cost me almost like an hour to make it look decent and pixelate it correctly with two or three layers. I am posting the pictures to prove how the process went, saving these images as checkpoints in case I mess it up.
> On a phone screen at that! I know I have only tried color edits a couple of times but the result left a little to be desired. never finished them
understandable. It requires a lot of patience and sometimes you can get a bit desperate for something as simple as painting a picture. Ironic, because the drawing part should be the complicated one, not the colors.
> though some shitposty stuff has arisen from the side do to experimentation that maybe posted as well.
well, that could serve as a little break and add some activity to the board.
> Hopefully will have a review on the holiday special up soon even if I don't meet may deadline on my project.
don´t worry, everything is prepared and the episode is perfectly ready in the two sites posted in the general. Have fun with it!