> Politics is being played like a game.
> And the election has left me tired and ashamed. 
they are playing with falseflag and dirty strategies in the US, isn´t it? I suppose that must come from because of the mid elections. Damn, you can´t get a break, propaganda cannot be so annoyingly out there 24/7. 
> I hope it'll pass soon, but I fear whatever the outcome everyone will be talking till june and then some
uh oh,that long? Watching the TV or any news must be tiring before that.

> Enough of this worry, I am alright.
that´s a good sign after all. 
> Though I initially hoped to give you more of a spook on this nightmare night.
I posted bats for that night but I hung out with my friends and I had nice comfy time while taking the dinner and joking between us. It was a good Halloween but I didn´t do much here save the edits.