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thumbnail of 830252__safe_artist-colon-aquagalaxy_princess+luna_moon_solo.png
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> It was an interesting election that's for sure. No side can claim victory or a clear advantage. Non of those progressive superstars who faced any significant opposition on the state level won, some got close, but they still lost. 
considering the huge amount of propaganda that was shoehorned these days and events that were questionable, the right wing has resisted pretty well the test which may seem little but it deserves an honorable mention. 

> Republicans suffered a massive bleed out of their suburban voters, yet those suburban voters elected a bunch of ostensibly moderate democrats and are all upper class, not sure how they'll get alone with the somewhat ascendant progressive wing of the party.
it´s really heterogeneous as you are describing. Almost like you are describing more center wing politicians that have to adjust a bit the progressive stuff. I don´t know how that will work out but that massive bleed means that people haven´t changed their ideas that much. It sounds almost like they could have voted a mixed party from the main two and they would have been convinced at voting them. 

> Republicans managed to hold onto the two most important swing state governorships and those wins there go along away to getting Trump reelected, yet the Democrats had some significant gains as well, and made the GOP feel a little fearful for the future of some traditional strongholds. Yet a few places the GOP did way better than the should of and took the Senate better than expected... It's a mess and on top of all that you had Trump's sometimes completely random endorsements propelling complete strangers and nobodies to the forefront.
yeah, like Kavanaugh, sometimes you don´t know where the wind could go and it either moves into the direction you didn´t expect 
you had it in favor or just bomb you into your face for making stupid mistakes. He focused on the Senate and that worked, the homework has been done.

> All and all. It was an interesting election. I'm feeling a bit better now, at least the far left was dispirited a bit, but I'm still not looking forward to the chaos of the next two years which may have started yesterday when Trump got rid of our attorney general . 
well that´s nice to hear. You don´t have to decide the future yet until 2020 happens but that´s for another day. Chaos will always be brought in the media, into directions that almost everytime they repeat that we are leading into the end of the world (when there are scientific research and proof that we are far from the chaotic and miserable times, economically speaking) 

> Almost not my taste, yet almost right up my alley as strange as that sounds. Still was relaxing, especially that instrumental section and it was nice to clear head. Certainly needed it.
even though that´s a political record with polarizing reviews and that you are more of a 70´s progressive rock fag, the opposite of following the masses and trends of just thinking about yourself. I just posted it as a reaction of those comments and said: "Damn, I think he needs this song more than me right now" and after thinking for a moment, I didn´t doubt to bring it onto the table because while there´s not much one can do from a screen, an attempt can be made despite being or not of your taste. 

I have daydreamed with that ending part as well, feeling like I am about to die in a bed majestically....and I was telepathically saying goodbye to thorax and the changeling race as I close my eyes and they leave me alone. Those events happened in a Canterlot house (the place I would live if I lived in Equestria) and I was getting back home to the real world. The context is pretty complicated to explain and I have daydreamed way more about MLP related things than I would like to admit while listening to these kind of songs.   

I don´t know how I would write that but still, that last part is magical and that serene tone served to clear a bit that madness. I prefer sharing songs when a fic happens than linking anything random so easily.