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thumbnail of 1846323__safe_artist-colon-xcinnamon-dash-twistx_oc_oc-colon-cinnamon+twist_oc-colon-first+choice_blushing_cinnoise_female_kissing_male_straight_underw.png
1846323__s... png
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> This recolor has some things going for some things not. Posting just because. I will likely post a fair bit of edits and maybe some shitposty OC 

I honestly that this edit looks better than the one I ´ve seen in the gif story. Mostly because there is not such chaotic mess of colors in such a extreme way and the fact that they are jointed with one tone kind of balances them. Not to mention that the background face still catches the eye attention. 

Not better than  >>/2496/ but still nice to look at for a "filler edit". 

> 3D?
yeah and I am not that proud of that one because I have barely added anything.  The partial color doesn´t give that sense of depth I wanted to make. Leaves a lot be desired honestly in retrospective.

> Though romance is not my interest usually, I don't close myself off to messing with it. Cute ponies are cute ponies after all.
well that´s the key spirit that has made the fanbase move forward despite all the odds and twists during all these years. However,if you see the spoiler, you will discover why I have described that vertical aspect. it was there for a purpose and the romance was a means to an end that while cute, it served...

I am actually one of those that thinks that the eye sees truths in half and the ear hears everything and you cannot get lied with that medium. Considering that this is an editing thread, I am surprised that I have achieved to make someone else think that the couple is having a date in a forest...

and by the way, the edit may be simple but plot twist: it was actually the most complicated to create.

> And they have arrived. At least this first humble batch. Expect others to be posted throughout the week.
you are setting the bar a bit higher than expected.....a great surprise honestly. They are far from dumb and it seems that you have been determining the filters you are going to play with the most....

I expect a few surprises sooner or later even though this one  >>/2496/ has completely sold me. 

 >>/2497/ and  >>/2498/ offer details that improves the image shown before and then, we´ll have to see the gallery for the mosaic....

> It really does tbh.
I have been editing the previous material on PC (a few pictures) and that one gave me a video game feel instantly. Amazed by the art itself and the presentation in general