Another_Dolores_Windo... png
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> However, it´s barely sorcery and more like subtly hiding the parts that could reveal the illusion one would try to convey. Unlike Photoshop in which you would add just a simple filter or a couple of clicks, this one plays with the options I have been using all the time. > As if I have barely edited anything over it yet I had to be careful with certain adjustments and not mess it up. That does give the element of subtlety. Which you are using well here. It isn't sorcery, but it is more effort than many edits I say that. > Water can have (sometimes does) the lightning of earthly places if there is enough illumination. The most important aspects here are brightness, contrast, a bit of attenuation and paying attention to the shadows. Is this from general learning or prior experimentation you knowing this? Either case you really went all out in thoughts. > By using the flawed effect very subtly, I have created circles and some kind of forms with the green color and let unedited the shadows from both sides in the upper part. The green light could be explained because of the reflection from the tress that are covering the sun. The rock becomes a trunk while editing the brightness and coloring, so do the manes from both ponies. Though I suppose a really keen eye might feel something off, you really outdid yourself in the thought put into this and the selection of the right image and filling i of the background details. Not calling you a master of illusion or anything but I am impressed. It opens up new avenues in editing as this is probably the best change of situation you have done. > The most fortunate aspect from this picture is that the stallion could be just simply jumping of love onto the mare because they are not that far from the ground. That's what I thought. Not swimming but a jump. If the pose had been a little different it could've broken the illusion. > The main objective was that, using all the tools to create a fake atmosphere. The cherry on top of the cake was that you preferred the cut version (and I encouraged that subtly with picky words). So there was some subtle manipulation involved too...